cloudy wort after boil from hops

Whats the best way to reduce sediment after my boil, I just finished my first batch with a mash tun and I got it basically to the kettle with no sediment. After the hop additions, which were only 1.5oz, the whole 4.5 gallons are now could. Will something along the line of tea infusers help with the sediment?

Just give it time. Hop pellets dissolve into green particulate which will temporarily cloud your wort/beer. They will settle out fairly quickly with the trub and, later, yeast sediment. When you rack to a keg or bottling bucket you can wrap a piece of nylon women’s hose around the racking cane to act as a filter if you like. But if you’re careful you really don’t need to. No worries.

EDIT - If you haven’t transferred to a fermenter yet, you can create a whirlpool in the kettle with your spoon and wait a few minutes for the trub and hop particles to settle, then rack to your fermenter, leaving the gunk behind. If it’s in the fermenter now, see my first post. Good luck !

I noticed more break material going from extract to all grain years ago, that could be what you are experiencing. I always brew 1 gallon (1.5 gallons if 10 gallon batch) more than I want in the bottles/keg. The idea here is to leave .5 gallon in the kettle and .5 gallon in the fermenter.

+1 on getting a whirlpool going at flame out to settle the trub in a center cone in the kettle. You can also make a hop spider for your additions and also, if not already using Irish Moss you can do that as well.

All that being said, as Jon mentioned, the hops will settle out in the primary during fermentation and you can also cold crash your beer once it’s done to help it clear nicely as well.

Give it time, wort looks horrible before it goes into the fermentor. You can take 2 hop muslin bags doubled up and use them as a filter as you pour the wort into the fermentor. I’ve filtered after fermentation one time and hardly got any carbination - so I’d do it before the yeast was added.

It’s probably not the hops. It’s probably hot break and, if you’ve chilled already, cold break. it will settle out. you can whirlpool if you like as others have mentioned, of filter with a hop bag of nylon or you can just wait it out and it will drop to the bottom.