Club soda: doing it at home?

Since most of us are no strangers to force carbonating liquids, and I have a 20lb co2 tank dedicated to force carbonating kegs of beer, as well as a tendency to go through a good amount of club soda (a la Schwepps), I was thinking about doing my own club soda at home, save on the cost of actually buying it, as well as reusing some of that nasty plastic before getting it to the recyclers.

However, all of my attempts at finding a recipe for club soda have resulted in nothing but what to use club soda in. The only things I’ve found is a suggestion of adding a bit of baking soda to seltzer water, or that club soda may contain in unspecified amounts:

table salt
trisodium citrate
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
potassium bicarbonate
potassium sulfate
disodium phosphate

Neither of which are very useful. Does anyone have any experience with doing their own club soda? Found something that makes a passable club soda using tap water + some of the above or even using distilled water and a specific ingredient list or kit?

Have you tried carbing some tap water without any adjuncts? Some sources seemed to think that the producers may add those things to mimic the homemade stuff.

this won’t get you there, but may be of interest…

You could let some of that flatten out and then get a water report on it if you can’t find another source.

Getting a water report is a good idea, since I’m still not finding a whole lot, I may end up going that route!

I could try my regular tap water, but you’d be horrified at what’s in this water here in San Jose. I brew with distilled water (and add minerals back in) it’s so bad.