How much are you paying for refills? Just filled two tanks, one 50# and one 20#. After tax came out about $2 per pound. Local place is racking on all these hazmat fees, surcharges and exchange fees.
Just exchanged a 20 lb tank for $44 out the door. Crazily, I have 5 lb tanks that I have paid over $30 the last time I had one to swap out.
That’s inline with what I just paid. I don’t recall seeing so many fees and charges before. They now have an “exchange” fee added.
The better deal in town is at the hydroponic shop. It’s less than 1/2 of the gas supplier(who is supplying the hydro shop btw). But……the hydro shop is frequently out of C02.
Just picked up a 10# tank I found used online and paid $2.00 per pound for the fill and 25.00 for the hydro recertification. No other charges other than some State tax and an o-ring charge. So after paying 35.00 for the tank, I’m in it for 86.00, pretty good deal I thought. Cheers.
$26.00 at local NAPA dealer for 20 lb. tank exchange.