Cold Smoking / Smoking Cheese/Fish?

Has anyone here attempted cold smoking?  I’d like to cold smoke some cheese and later this summer some salmon.

I have a Great Outdoors Smoky Mountain propane-fired smoker that I use for most of my meat smoking.  I can keep the temp low, but probably not low enough to ‘cold smoke’ inside the smoker.

The method I’m considering involves using a 20’ long dryer exhaust hose (hooked to the output vent at the top of my smoker) and running the other end to a cardboard box containing the cheese or salmon to be smoked (thereby allowing the smoke time to cool as it moves from the smoker - though the hose - to the cardboard box).

Has anyone tried this - or have other/better ideas for me?  Thanks!

I think that’s buried deep inside “BBQ Style” and there is a sausage thread too. Several members here cold smoke cheese and fish.

Oops.  Guess I didn’t dig deep enoguh.  I’ll go look dig through the BBQ Style thread (or be lazy & wait for more answers here…  lol)

There are some pictures of my smoker here:

Nice - so you’re basically using the dryer hose setup I described.  OK.  I’m gonna go with that.  Thanks.  :slight_smile:

I cold smoke cheese and fish at least once a week.  It gets consumed very quickly around my house.  The wife loves it.

I do the tin can/solder iron method and it works great.  Stupidly cheap and easy.

I like the Pro-Q that I bought.  Very simple design (those who are crafty could probably build one) but absolutely zero heat with a steady trickle of smoke from a small amount of sawdust.  With summer on the way I won’t be doing fish probably (with fish I personally prefer either HOT smoking or COLD smoking…room temperature smoking on the other hand would be out of my comfort zone for fish) but I should be able to keep some cheese smoked for a while yet.

I cold smoke a lot of cheese, plan to do some more this weekend.  I use a ProQ smoker in a cardboard box, it works great.

Pictures here: