Colonial porter recipe

My Colorado blue spruce tree has tips ripe for brewing, so I was thinking that brewing a spruce beer is in order. I’m thinking of of a colonial American era porter would be interesting, since I never brewed one of those before. I’ve always been a fan of Yuengling porter, although it doesn’t have any spruce in it.

Searching the internet. I’m not finding much for recipes, so I’ve come up with this, based on what I have on hand:

9 lbs. two row
2 lbs. flaked maize
0.5 lbs. Crystal 120°
6 oz. Carafa II
4 oz. Blackstrap molasses

1 oz. Cluster 60 min
1 quart spruce tips 10 min

WY1084 Irish ale yeast

How’s that look?

About 3 years ago I used Colorado spruce tips.  I recall
wishing I used less.  They are potent, suck on one to see
what your getting into.


I don’t know about spruce tips, but I was friends with the former brewer at Yeungling Tampa. I once asked him for a recipe for Black & Tan and he gave me both the recipes for Yuengling Porter and for their Lager and said that B&T was a 60/40 blend.
Here’s what he told me in March, 2006:
Yuengling Porter
OG 1.052 (12.95P)
14,700# 6-row 71%
2,500# 50L caramel malt 12%
1,000# black malt 5%
2,500# corn syrup 12%
44# cluster at start of boil
105# cluster at 15 min before knock out
My notes here are slightly confusing, but it looks like 10 IBU’s, 30% at start and 70% at 15m
He gave me some of the proprietary yeast as well.

I miss that guy.


I once had Ben Franklins original recipe, can’t find it online.



I dunno about how many spruce tips to use.  If I were brewing this, I’d go the route of creating a tincture or tea with the spruce tips and use it to figure out how much to add to your finished beer.

Off topic, but care to share that lager recipe?

He said, “65% 6-row, 35% corn syrup, same hop schedule with clusters 30% at start of boil and 70% at 15 minutes”
My hand written notes are not clear on the IBU’s.  I was trying to make a 10 gallon batch of the blend of the two beers.

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I have brewed with Colorado spruce tips back in the late 1990s. I made an amber/red ale sort of beer, and the 1 quart of Colorado spruce tips added at the last 10 minutes for 5 gallons gave a nice sprucy flavor that I liked, so I am good with that.*

Thanks for the Yuengling porter recipe! I think using flaked maize instead of corn syrup will be a better approach. I find it interesting that Yuengling uses Clusters so heavy-handed at the end of the boil. I once brewed a 1.100 OG Classic American Barley Wine that was 70% 6-row/30% flaked maize tha had Cluster additions at 60, 30 and 15 minutes and Saaz at 0 minutes that came out outstanding. I need to do an all Clusters beer. I love me the Cluster hops.

They used a lot of cascades as well back in the day.