Living in Belgium in the Catholic Hemisphere, I plan on brewing a low alcohol beer for a communion party - obviously for the parents - so they don’t get whacked on Duvel after half an hour. Now most of them only like traditional Belgian beers, so hop-forward or roasty beers are out of the question. Some possibilities to brew are:
Dortmunder with Mandarina Bavaria. They will probably like that but I already brewed that so yawn?
Enkel. Basically a low alcohol version of the Westmalle Tripel (apparently there’s five different hops in it!). I’ve never drunk the Westmalle Extra, maybe I’ll have to make an excursion to the brewery first…
Klein Kabouterke (Little Gnome). A low alcohol version of Chouffe (Pilsner, Amber Candi Sugar, Styrian, Saaz, Coriander, Belgian Ardennes). No idea whether that will be good.
Kolsch - which I have never tried making. Not even sure what it tastes like. There’s a recipe in the current BYO. Question: does it need to be lagered for a month or is there a turbo method like with lagers?
I came up with my suggestion before I read all of your own ideas. My idea in common with yours: Kolsch. Also I think a Duesseldorf altbier would be perfect as well. Be sure to use Wyeast 1007, it is just a lovely bready yeast, perhaps bringing to mind the Bread of Life. Could do the same with either Kolsch or altbier. Yeah.
If you wanted to go with the consuming stale bread theme, then you could brew a kvass. And pair it with a table strength saison brewed with the cheapest wine you can get your hands on. That would fit the communion theme as I remember it.
Then again, maybe your clergy is classier out your way…
I actually love this idea. In fact I just bought numerous pounds of rye bread for this exact purpose – I’m making a kvass for the first time very soon. I have even saved an ounce or two of dried currant leaves which research says were traditionally used to flavor the kvass (in addition to mint or lemon). Coming soon to a homebrew club near me.