I am planning out my attack for NHC. I was planning on doing some wood aged stuff. Does a 22C Wood Aged Beer have to have a Base Beer that is a specific category or can I make a specialty ale 23A and wood age it? Would you enter that in 22C or 23A or both? Same Question applied to 22B Other Smoked Beer? Hope this question makes sense and thanks in advance.
This is from 22B, but the wording in 22C is almost identical:
[quote]Comments: Any style of beer can be smoked; the goal is to reach a pleasant balance between the smoke character and the base beer style. IF THIS BEER IS BASED ON A CLASSIC STYLE (E.G., ROBUST PORTER) THEN THE SPECIFIC STYLE MUST BE SPECIFIED. CLASSIC STYLES DO NOT HAVE TO BE CITED (E.G., “PORTER” OR “BROWN ALE” IS ACCEPTABLE).
So if the base beer isn’t one that would fit into any of the other subcategories, just come up with a reasonable name for it. The whole idea is that the judges need to know what you’re going for, so that they can at least pretend to come up with some guidelines against which to judge it.
They shouldn’t be entered in 23, IMHO. That’s why there are separate subcategories for wood and smoke in the first place: to get them out of the catch-all.
A wood-aged beer doesn’t have to have a specific subcategory; it can be a general description (porter, for instance). See the Comments section for 22C.
If you make a specialty beer, and wood age it, you can enter it in 22C. See the Comments section for 22C.
Whether you enter a wood aged beer in 22C or 23 is likely based on how dominate the wood character is. If it’s something subtle, 23 is probably better, assuming the beer qualifies for 23 without the wood. If it’s a primary character, then 22C is better. It still needs to taste good to do well in either. See the Overall Impressions section for 22C.
Same logic applies for 22B as 22C. See Comments and Ingredients sections for 22B.
Thanks. That sums it up. So, a Cascadian dark/ Black IPA/ India Black Ale, Would be suited well for Wood Aged if the Flavor is more forefront. If not, then it would possibly do better staying in 23.