Conan Stopped @ 1.018 on High Gravity Beer

I brewed an imperial porter (1.093) two weeks ago, pitched a healthy 3L starter of Conan, and now it is resting at 1.018. It fermented at 68F.

At 1.018, it is still a bit sweet for my taste.

I was thinking about applying heat and bringing the carboy up to 72-75F in hopes to get a point or two. It is plausible that warming the yeast will drive further attenuation?


  • OG: 1.093
    FG: 1.018
    EST Attenuation: 80%
    Fermentation Time: 14 days
    Fermentation Temperature: 68

Conan benefits from a rise during fermentation in my experience.

I don’t think I’d want a beer with that OG in that style to finish any lower.  My imperial porter starts at 1.086 and ends around 1.026.

Without any information on the recipe, it’s hard to guess at attenuation, but at 80% ADF my first thought wouldn’t be that it’s stalled.

Heat might drop it another point or maybe two, but I’m betting it’s done.

Out of the fermenter, it tastes sweet to me. Not too bad, but a little sweeter than expected.

This recipe also calls for 4-5 ounces of roasted cacao and 4-5 ounces of ground course coffee. I don’t think either will have much impact on sweetness. Both will be added @ ambient temperature for 3-4 days.


Coffee will add bitterness.  I always have to reduce the bittering from hops in my coffee beers.

I think a 1.018 FG is more than suitable for a big porter.

After 6 days at 72-74 f, gravity dropped to 1.014.