or plastic?

Broke my first glass carboy in over 10 years of brewing, fell into the glass and did my ER penance.  I need one or two more reasons to pop for the ss conical over the plastic.  I’d appreciate your opinions.  Bill

Plastic: Cheaper, lighter, can scratch

Stainless: more expensive (though some of the newer options get you closer), more durable, sanitary fittings are an option, many can be pressurized enough transfer, no o2 ingress.

I guess I would try to figure out how long people are using the plastic ones before they decide to replace them due to scratches or staining. If you need to replace them 3 times during your brewing career, stainless is looking good from a cost POV and other than the weight is better in every other way.

If I had the “money” I’d probably go with a stainless conical.  That said I’m a bit frugal and tight so I built one from an Inductor Tank like this one. It won’t get scratched on the inside 'cause it’s never touched (hot water spray, Oxiclean and starsan). So far I’ve brewed over 200 gallons with it with no adverse issues. Can’t say how long it will last though. Surely not as long as stainless steel. YMMV…  Cheers!!!

I just moved up to a stainless steel conical. Expensive, but worth every penny. Clean up is easy and much safer. I broke two glass carboys, but full of fresh wort. No injuries but I hate to lose beer!


I recently fermented my first batch in my new Blichmann 14.5 SS conical and have to say it has alot of benefits. I have the leg extensions and casters so that I can move around it easily and it is set at the perfect height to rack the beer into a keg. Plus, I can drop the trub and yeast very easily. I can also push the beer from the conical to the keg with CO2. It’s also easy to clean and very durable. It’s a win, win for me.

I have been using mini brew plastic conical for over 3 years.
Works great.
If someone talks about scratches in platic conical, they do not know what they talk about.
SS looks pretty but most of thei time my conical spends in fridge.

I love conical for harvesting the yeast.
No other benefits over plastic bucket.