Does any know if conversion with this grain bill will be affected. For some unknown reason my PH was lower than i expected 5.22PH. Should have been 5.5 per my spreadsheet. My preboil gravity was suppose to be 1.046 but was 1.042 i mashed for 75 min. I normally am within a few points. Anyway, would love some feedback on if this type of grain bill which i believe has a higher percent of low enzymatic malts has difficulty converting because of a lower than optimal mash PH.
I made my last Saison at right ~ 5.25 pH, after reading a posting (by Martin I think) that such a pH could actually be beneficial to the style, as it is a beer where a slight tartness can be desireable. I was within a point of my target gravity, and the beer attenuated all the way down to 1.002. So I think I converted plenty of sugars there.
There should be no problem with conversion. If anything, the low pH may promote excessive conversion and produce a bit thinner beer. It will still be beer though!