You know you’re on the right track when your Coors Light wife, who used to only politely try your beer, now leaves notes on the tap handle. "Keg blew. Boo hoo! "
My wife will try anything I make but typically likes Wit and the more malty beers. I try and keep one style that she likes on tap at all times. Makes my weekends in the garage brewing go smoother.
My fiance and I were ‘beer drinking buddies’ before we started dating, but I’ve converted him to the dark side of homebrewing. He is currently holding out for one more week on drinking the last bit of his keg of IPA just in case it medals at a competition this weekend. He’s taken on my tradition of the “victory beer”. ;D 8)
My wife likes hefeweizen, witbier, American wheat and cream ale. She’s branching into ciders now. In other words she likes everything I’m not that fond of. Same for wine, she enjoys white while I stick with red. Its like Jack Spratt and his wife at my house except the platter’s always full.
Ya, swmbo is a great beer drinker. Like more of a range than I do. And…
She get’s pissed when I brew by myself. She was quite instrumental in us getting our Brewer’s Notice approved. Heck, she even insisted that we go to GABF a few weeks ago.