Corny Beers

I’m doing a presentation on brewing with corn for my homebrew club at the end of this month. I’ve been sneaking corn into a lot of my beers lately after seeing it pop up in early-1900s recipes (it works surprisingly well in Porters and IPAs). I’m going to take a stab at a spit-free chicha as well ( with fresh local sweetcorn.

I would like to bring in some commercial examples as well. It would be great to find one that does corn well and one that maybe doesn’t do corn very well. Something with a lot of DMS would be neat to show off too.

Any suggestions on commercial corny beers I should seek out?

It would help to know where you are. Some local breweries to MI make beers wth corn.

Rolling Rock for DMS, at least 3-4 years back it had it.

+1.  Stuff is still a DMS bomb. I think I had one earlier this year.

I didn’t even know it still existed.

Busch is brewed with corn, but I haven’t had one in years.

Miller has a really obvious corn taste to me.

Rolling Rock is surely the example of bad corn flavor in beer.

For a non-macro option I’d look to any of the cream ales on the market. Possibly a pre-pro lager if you can find one in your market with corn.

I used corn in my Imperial Pils this year. Turned out pretty dang good. I’d have to look at percentage.

Genesee Bock Beer (I believe) is brewed with flaked maize.  Comes out typically as a seasonal release in late winter/early spring.  Quite drinkable for a macro.

If you are looking for a DMS - specific flaw (as opposed to merely corn in the ingredients), I would use a heavy pils concentration and do a covered boil and covered chill - almost guaranteed to get that DMS with that approach.  A lot of newer Brewers cover their pots as they slowly chill and it almost uniformly results in at least some DMS when they go that route.

Coors Batch 51 bills itself as a pre prohibition lager, which is a style usually made with corn or rice adjuncts.  I can’t see from the web site whether is has either, but it should be readily available for you to purchase and taste.  It does not say anything about being all malt, so I’m thinking it is not.

Doesn’t Yeungling have corn in it? Don’t know if it’s available in your area though, or what your opinion is of it. (IMO it’s not bad at all for the money.)

Yes, Miller for corn.