Craft Brewing / Homebrew Software article suggestion

Morning All,

It would make for a great article if Zymurgy did a review of the top 5 free and top 5 paid brewing programs.  Also, a listing of the top online/offline calculators/tools would be a great adjunct.  I did a search and did not see anything recent that covers this.

I have used tools from the following sites and would love to see an overall comparison someday:


Why not write it and submit it, Dave?

It’s been done but always good to see an updated take on it.

I am guessing if I did it would just be emailed into the mag itself?  Maybe I’ll give it whirl and see what happens over the next few months.  Thanks Denny.

Contact Jill Redding, the editor.  (  Tell her what you’d like to do.  She’ll tell you when there could be a slot for the article.