Crazy Denver hail storm today

So I was curious…

Wow, nice size. I had to replace my roof 3 years ago from hail about that size. Somehow my car (outside ) was pretty much unscathed. Go figure.

Yikes.  I saw a picture from some friends that live there and it left a couple of mighty dents in the hood of their car.  Thankfully I believe that was the worst of the damage.

Glad I didn’t get it that bad. I did see a ton of busted out back car windows on my drive home. Calling a roofer today…

I ran outside with a show shovel over my head to move my car into the garage…haha

Suffered a few dents

You or the car?

Kinda fun that you thought to get a pH reading. We get our water directly out of the river where we live (Or) and it generally runs around 7-8 pH. With all the rains we’ve had this winter it dropped to 5.5 the last brew day I checked it. As it dries out here for a few days then rains again, it bounces up and down quite a bit. It didn’t even occur to me to check my water pH every time I brew until I checked my pH one brew day and found the mash at 5.0 instead of the anticipated 5.4. Getting smart the hard way.

Haha the car.  I was lucky

I was down there last week, couldn’t believe the hail damage I saw just driving around. Glad there was no serious damage.

…acid rain

That is about what I expect for distilled water exposed to air. CO2 dissolves in, and the carbonic acid formed makes the water acidic. “Acid Rain” is less than 5 pH.