Crisp Chevallier Heritage Malt Recipes

I have heard good things about Crisp Chevallier Heritage malt so I bought 10 lbs without any plans for what to do with it. It arrived yesterday, so today I went to the Crisp website to read what they say about it. This is a British malt that dominated in England from the 1820’s to the 1920’s. When I looked at their sample recipes they were 1) California Common and 2) West Coast IPA! I expected British Golden Ale or something like that and was surprised to see these styles from the West coast of USA. Being from the Bay Area I have a fondness for California Common and usually brew it 1-2 times a year, so I think I will use it for that. I like Golden Ale, too, but I already have some Simpson’s Golden Promise for that.

I brewed a IPA and Amber Ale with Chevallier malt that turned out good.

I made WCIPA with it and it was stunning.

I’ve made Best Bitters wit it, 1:1 sub for Maris Otter. Very nice.

I was concerned that the malt might get lost behind the hops, so I went for the more malt-forward style. I guess it depends on the hops and how they are used.

It depends on lots of stuff. Any WCIPA should not let the malt get lost. That’s the art of recipe design.

Agree 100%.  The complexity of the malt against the “piny/resin” flavors of the hops are what makes these IPA’s so good