I’m planning on a Pliny the Elder clone, and being very new to buying seperate AG ingredients I’m having trouble finding crystal malt 45L from Northern Brewer. I’m finding caramel 40L, and simpson’s medium crystal @ 50-60L, but can’t find a crystal 45L. Can someone either send me a link to what I need from NB, or tell me a substitute if it isn’t available anymore. The 3 AG batches I’ve made so far were from NB kits but I’m looking to try recipes I come across that pique my interest, but I have trouble matching ingredient names very often.
The Cara 40 should be basically identical.
“Cara” and “Crystal” are basically the same thing. As for the actual number, I’d go with Sean and just use the 40L.
I’ve seen Cara 45, it’s the Belgian Caramunich from Dingemans.
But, for a Pliny clone, I wouldn’t worry about it. I usually don’t use American crystal malts in Belgian style beers, but I think that an American crystal 40 would be fine in any IPA.
Think I’ll go with the cara 40 like you guys suggested.
I had great results with the 40 in my Pliny clone.
The “Light Crystal” from Crisp Maltings is 45L and tastes great. I get it from Rebel Brewer, but I’m sure it’s available elsewhere.
Good luck with the Pliny clone.
FWIW, I’ve found there to be a big difference between US, UK, and Belgian crystal malts. Getting the right flavors from it is going to be more important than a minor variation in color.
Agreed, the UK malts tend to be more varied. They may average the number given but some kernels are darker and some are lighter. This tends to gives more complexity but can also add some unwanted flavors depending on style
I went with Rahr caramel 40. Hopefully the flavor is about the same. Ive done 3 AG batches now so I don’t know much about different grains yet. Either way, I know I’ll like it. We don’t get pliny anywhere near Okla so I don’t have anything to compare with. Hope my ingredients get here in time to brew this Saturday.
I am very excited though ;D