Regardless of its German purity, the “Helles” looks as though it would be pretty tasty. I’m looking to do a lager run if the temps ever drop here in Central NY.
So there is a Helles Bock / Maibock OG starting at 1.064-1.072 and a Munich Helles Lager starting at 1.048-1.051. Confusion solved. That sucks, I totally thought Helles Bock was Munich Helles. I need to keep reading up in German beers, so I can sort this shit out.
The word ‘helles’ just means pale, so a helles/mai bock is simply a pale bock, as opposed to darker standard and dopple bocks. And a Munich Helles is just a pale, average strength lager.
I believe Munich Helles exists for two reasons. 1. Mandatory liter while visiting Munich. 2. As a challenge for brewers, a style to hone your skills on.
I lean towards the Helles one might find in Bambarg or Regensberg, definitely a hop aroma, some hop flavor. Not a Pils by any means, but more than an inkling of hops.