Czech malt

I have an opportunity to buy Czech pils and Munich from Prostejov Malting.  Anybody ever heard of them or used their malt?

Denny, malt from Prostejov Malting is sold thru MCMS. They started to offer it in the fall for the first time. I have never tried it but they have been in business for some time. It is in Moravia region of Czech Republic.

You buy it and let me know. :slight_smile:

I just may do that, Leos!

Let us all know!

I think I’ll order a bag of the pils to check out.  It’s a club bulk order so it’ll take a couple months to get it and by that time it’ll be too warm for me to brew lagers here.  I’ll stash it til next winter, so it’ll be a while before I know.

I just ordered a bag of Pilsen from them in a group buy from Country Malt.  Just happened to see it at the bottom of the grain list and thought “what the heck!” even though it was a little pricey.  I should have it in a couple of weeks and have a BoPils split planned for it right away with 2001 and 2278.  I’ll report back.


UPDATE:  Apparently this only ships from the Illinois warehouse.  I went to pick up my grain at the group buy and they didn’t even let us know it was not available.  I was just SOL… >:(  Kinda bummed.


Same story here…our club was doing a bulk order and I was informed yesterday that neither the Czech pils or my standard best pils were available.  At least I was able to get Best Heidelberg as a sub.  It sounds like it’s like the pils but a bit lighter colored.

I’m glad you were able to at least get a sub.  They never notified me so I’m out a sack of Pils…

I am always unhappy when malt supplier do not have what they post in their catalog.
This happens more often then it should.

Sorry to bring back an old thread but how were peoples experiences with this malt?  I am thinking of picking up a sack of the pilsner.  I haven’t been able to find much information on it.

It’s great.  I’ve ordered several sacks from my alternative LHBS that only puts a 30% markup on it.  The larger one by me puts closer to 100% so I will not buy grain from them anymore.
