So I keep getting diacetyl in my IPA’s? Can’t be infection! So either cold crash or not hot enough at end of ferment? Or maybe to hot during ferment(I have a temp controller and start at 66* and ramp up while fermenting? Really getting irritating!!! Oh and yeast is Cal Ale 001. Carboy ferment, 1.5 L Yeast Starter. Yeast was less than a month old??? I think its the cold crash?? Any thoughts?
Could be the cold crash. Also consider whether you might be underpitching… maybe need 2 or 2.5 liters depending how much you’re brewing and how big the beer is. Assuming like 1.060 and 5 gallons and yeast is a few months old, you might need up to a full gallon of starter according to! I can’t say I agree, but you might want to try a full 2-2.5 liters like I suggest.
After reviewing my process, maybe infection??? I was not PBW washing my O2 hose, just hit with starsan! Maybe? Just maybe, started a couple beers back and they have been good. Have an IPA ready to transfer at home now. Think I’ll do the test I,ve read about. If it is infection it should show its ugly lacto/pedio/brett self. lol
Yeah, I was wondering why you said it couldn’t be a contamination.
StarSan does not kill everything. I recommend that you employ another sanitizer on occassion. I now use Iodophor as my primary sanitizer and StarSan as my secondary.
So is Iodophor better than PBW?? Should I Use it on occasion? Or switch all together? I also think that a stone on the end of a plastic tube is a bad idea. I will purchase a stone on a stainless shaft. Should be better. Thanks
After posting, it made me think about it. The word can’t always seems like a good place to start!! Thanks
PBW is a cleaner, not a sanitizer.
PBW is a cleaner, it just removes the crap that can prevent a sanitize from being effective. It does not sanitize, that’s what iodophor and star san are for.
I use iodophor mostly these days, though I still prefer star san for use in a spray bottle.
Assuming infection is the cause seems like jumping the gun to me. If you have repeat problems with infection, especially in only one style, then it is more likely a process problem than a chronic infection. Granted, if you do not use a sanitizer it is certainly more likely that a chronic infection exists; but I still would not jump on that as a cause without ruling out other probable causes.
If you share your normal process for IPAs we could take a look.
So is Iodophor better than PBW?? Should I Use it on occasion? Or switch all together? I also think that a stone on the end of a plastic tube is a bad idea. I will purchase a stone on a stainless shaft. Should be better. Thanks
Iodophor is a sanitizer. PBW is a cleaner. Different things. Like Martin, I’ve gone back to Iodophor as my primary sanitizer.
If it was a bacterial infection (ie pedio) that is producing diacetyl, then not only would the beer have a buttery aroma and flavor, but there could also be some acidity produced as well. You would most likely also taste a “slickness” in the mouthfeel from the glycosides produced by the bacteria as well.