Dark Lagers

For the Lager obsessed crowd out there, here’s a book recommendation.

Dark Lagers by Thomas Kraus-Weyermann and Horst Dornbusch.

Absolutely fantastic book on the history, mystery, brewing techniques, and recipes of this ancient and underappreciated slice of the lager pie.

If you’re anything like me, and still love reading about brewing and the culture that brought it forth, and keeps it going, buy this book. I doubt that you’ll be disappointed.

Sounds like an interesting read. What do they qualify as a dark lager, because this seems like it could be pretty arbitrary. Do they consider Dunkel a dark lager? Märzen?

looked at the summary of it, yeah its interesting but lagers would have been darker beers for a long period of time. i think i read that about nurnberg is the origin of brewing with lager yeast

I’ll add that to the list. Absolutely love beer history. Thanks for the suggestion!

Yes, thank you.  I make a lot of dark lagers and knowing some history would make it even better.  I have a “Mexican Dark Lager” on tap right now.  Not necessarily Negra Modelo but in the spirit of it.  I also make bocks and dunkels regularly.  Here’s a snip:

And here’s a link:  Amazon.com

I’ll probably order it.

[quote=“erockrph, post:2, topic:31558, username:erockrph”]

Sounds like an interesting read. What do they qualify as a dark lager, because this seems like it could be pretty arbitrary. Do they consider Dunkel a dark lager? Märzen?