Hi everyone, any thoughts on this recipe for a dark saison-ish fall brew? I’ve been meaning to brew a black IPA for the fall but at the same time the ambient temperature in my house is still a bit high for US-05 so with the kegerator full I figured I’d try out a saison yeast.
Batch Size: 3.25 gallons
Vienna: 5.5 lbs (86%)
Midnight Wheat: 0.5 lbs (8%)
Flaked Oats: 3.0 oz (3%)
Rye Malt: 3.0 oz (3%)
Galaxy: 0.5 oz @ 15m (19 IBUs)
Galaxy: 1.5 oz during the hop stand (60m @ 170f)
Galaxy: 2.0 oz dry hopped in keg
Danstar Belle Saison