At least I got an extra hour to theoretically sleep in. I ended up waking at my normal time- an hour earlier by the new Fall time. This sucks a** cause it always happens. Or in the Spring I forget and everything is out of sync and I’m late to work.
And it’s already messing me up. Cooking soup on the stove the clock is an hour ahead. I’m thinking what? I’ve got to go to work already!? I don’t snap to it until just now when I look at the clock on my cable box. ???
Hey!!! We had our DST LAST week, thank you very much. Nous avons changé l’heure d’été la semaine dernière; j’ai à nouveau la lumière du jour pour ma paresse matin. BOUEF.
[quote]Bouef isn’t exactly an insult, it’s more like the verbal equivalent of the Famous French Shrug.
FFS. No emoticon, so just use . Or I guess it could be ^8^
I was in Rennes once with a mixed group of French and Americans. At dinner, one of the American women asked a French woman about the French speaking technique of running words together. She was using “je ne sais pas” as an example. Said quickly, it sounds like one word. The American woman asked, “so how do you say ‘je ne sais pas’?” The French woman replied, “I don’t; I just go ”
I was on a flight with Ditka once. I knew there was no way that plane was going to crash.
Whoever was supposed to meet him was late and Ditka was cursing a blue streak into his phone. I know, it’s hard to imagine Ditka swearing
I have spent several enjoyable evenings at Ditka’s in Chicago, and the man is there almost -every- night, usually with random blondes. I can’t say I’d want him as a Godfather for my kids or anything, but he was a hell of a coach. Unlike the current doofus taking up space in Halas Hall… But that’s another thread.