DC's Rye IPA fermentation schedule

What is the recommended fermentation schedule for this beer? Brewed it Fri and just happened to look at NB’s kit for this beer and it recommends 1-2 wks. primary, 4 wks. secondary, dry hopping 1 wk. before packaging. I’d assume this is correct if Denny consulted on this. 10g on the line, so I want to be sure. Thanks.

Same as any other beer.

Which yeast did you use?

Depending on the yeast, estimate the attenuation and then let your gravity be your guide.  Once the gravity settles out, rack to the keg or bottle.

Now we know why you dropped the Brewmaster…  ;D

US-05. I was going to ferment the “same as any other beer”, but when I ran across those directions I thought maybe something different was in order to get the intended character. I normally ferment to TG, rack, and dry hop for 2 wks. I like to do a recipe as is, then tweak(if needed) on subsequent batches, so I am looking to set a baseline. I know, I know, should’ve used 1450 for that but am on a dry yeast kick.  :wink:

With 05, I usually go 2-3 weeks primary, then keg with the dry hops.  But I really don’t decide by the calendar…I decide by how the beer is doing. I decide whether or not to use a secondary on a case by case basis.

Do you put the dry hops in something Denny, or do you just toss them in?  Do you rack after a time or do you just drink it until it’s gone?

I dry hop in the carboy, then rack to the keg after a time.  Just curious how your process differs.

Thanks for the input, Denny. Nothing like getting it straight from the tap! Happy brewing to all!  8)

I put the hops in a bag.  I tie the bag to the diptube with monofilament in case I want to remove it, although that’s never happened!  I leave them in there until the keg is gone.  Sometimes, depending on nothing more than my mood, I’ll rack to a secondary, dry hop that, then add more dry hops to the keg, too.

Now we’re getting to bottom of it!  :wink:

How long does a keg last around your place?  Weeks?  Months?  Hours?  Seconds?

You don’t need a schedule, you let the beer decide. It doesn’t take a brewmaster or even an assistant brewer to know that. :smiley:

2-3 months on average.

Interesting, that’s good to know.  I typically only dry hop for 2 weeks at most, then rack.  Maybe I’ll try it in the keg next time. :slight_smile: