What is the recommended fermentation schedule for this beer? Brewed it Fri and just happened to look at NB’s kit for this beer and it recommends 1-2 wks. primary, 4 wks. secondary, dry hopping 1 wk. before packaging. I’d assume this is correct if Denny consulted on this. 10g on the line, so I want to be sure. Thanks.
US-05. I was going to ferment the “same as any other beer”, but when I ran across those directions I thought maybe something different was in order to get the intended character. I normally ferment to TG, rack, and dry hop for 2 wks. I like to do a recipe as is, then tweak(if needed) on subsequent batches, so I am looking to set a baseline. I know, I know, should’ve used 1450 for that but am on a dry yeast kick.
With 05, I usually go 2-3 weeks primary, then keg with the dry hops. But I really don’t decide by the calendar…I decide by how the beer is doing. I decide whether or not to use a secondary on a case by case basis.
I put the hops in a bag. I tie the bag to the diptube with monofilament in case I want to remove it, although that’s never happened! I leave them in there until the keg is gone. Sometimes, depending on nothing more than my mood, I’ll rack to a secondary, dry hop that, then add more dry hops to the keg, too.