I was recommended the recipe below from this website as a good Rogue Dead Guy clone. When I enter the grains into Beersmith it comes out with a colour of 7.1 SRM. Even if I substitute Munich malt with Caramunich I still my get SRM 14.1. That’s a long way from the 16 (lovibond) or approx SRM 20 that the Rogue website states their beer is.
Any tips?
Maybe use Dark Munich and boil a bit longer?
John Maier is a friend of mine. Here’s the recipe he gave me…
Dead Guy
67.4% 2 row
22.6% Munich 10 color
10% C15 1.065 OG 1.015 TG
All from GWM
Boil hops US Perle
Whirlpool Sterling
IBU 39.6
13.5 SRM
213 cal/12oz
Keep in mind when we design recipes we are estimating while the color described by the brewery is likely lab tested to accuracy for the final product. They may target 13.5 in the recipe but get 20 due to a process issue in the brewery or the malts they are using in house is darker than the grains otherwise available on the market. Either way I would not dispute John Maier’s knowledge of the brewery’s recipe.
If you’re really concerned with the potential for imperfect color then hit the mash with a tiny amount of dehusked carafa.
I can tell you that Rogue, and most other breweries, play kinda loose with color. They use the ingredients they can get and sometimes there are batch to batch variations. Tjhe color listed for the beer is likely a snapshot of a particular time. It could easily vary a few SRM.
Color is like IBU to me: a target based on personal experience and your specific taste.
Wyeast 1764?
I really like this yeast. I used it in the little experiment I did for my Last Drop article in the current issue.
Thanks for all the replies. I have come up with something close using dark Munich malt and crystal 20. I will experiment using the advice from Denny. Can’t get the Pacman yeast here in Australia at the moment so I plan to use Mangrove Jacks M44 yeast which is supposed to be a close match to the 1764.