How do you measure dead space in the mash tun? I am using a 10 gallon orange cooler with a 12" false bottom.
Add a known amount of water, and measure exactly how much water you are able to drain out of the system. The amount you can’t drain is effectively your dead space. Mine is ~ 1/2 gallon, slightly less. Take that into consideration for your water measurements.
You can use the same method to determine if you have dead space in your brew kettle as well!
Why would you have dead space in the brew kettle? Wouldn’t you just pick up the kettle and pour everything out? Of course there would be the grub issue. I will try the recommendation for both my tun and kettle and see what is left. Thanks guys.
Not everyone picks up the kettle and dumps it out.
I would venture to guess that most people don’t actually. I have a spigot on my kettle that drains through a hop stopper screen.
If you just dump the contents then, no, there would be no dead space but if you use a kettle with a valve there would be dead space
-Amanda beat me to it!
I was just looking at a hop stopper screen at Hop Stopper - The Electric Brewery. I have a 10 gal blichmann with a spigot so perhaps I should place an order. Thanks.
I measure dead space by pouring water into the otherwise empty tun, allowing it to drain naturally, then pouring the volume that remains into a measuring cup. Of course, that won’t work if you have a fixed or heavy vessel.