Delaware Native Ale yeast

If you haven’t heard of this, a few months ago Dogfish Head made an entirely Delaware beer with Delaware barley, fruit, hops … and a yeast strain isolated from a local orchard by University of Delaware and Dogfish’s yeast lab. The yeast is temporarily for sale through our local homebrew shop - Extreme Brewing.

Can’t wait to try it Jim. What are you planning to brew with it?

I was thinking about a Saison inspired recipe.

Ron, if you could figure out a way to bring me a bottle at NHC you’d be my hero!  I want to plate it and freeze it :slight_smile:

If you’re not going to bottle the beer and check a bag, a little in a small container (< 100 mls) would work just as well. :wink:

I made a elderberry/blackberry ale (pale ale base, but not pale anymore). Saison de la Ware - I like it.

I will try to bring you a bottle.

…or a small sample of the yeast cake. Which would you prefer…or both.  :slight_smile:

I generally prefer yeast samples I can taste :)  But if both is an option, both is awesome!

I’ll see what I can work out for you. I’ll definitely make a Saison of some sort.