I recently took ownership of a Delta Brewing Systems 6.6-gallon kettle. The quality of this brewing kettle punches way above its weight of $120.00 shipped. To say that it is a really nice kettle for the money is an understatement. The advertised shipped price is the price of the base stock pot shipped from a restaurant wholesaler such as the Webstaurant Store. One still has to purchase a ball valve bulkhead, a three piece ball valve, and thermometer in addition to building the ketlle. This kettle will definitely fit on a beefy gas kitchen stove. My 10-gallon SS Brewtech TC kettle does not fit on the hob of my Mai Cook 3500W induction cooktop. It rests on the metal frame, which is okay because an induction cooktop to does not need to be in direct contact with the bottom of a kettle. This kettle fits on the hob with room to spare. It is almost like a 3500W induction cooktop is extreme overkill.
6.6 gallons sounds like a good size. I mostly brew 3 gallon batches but occasionally I like to make a 5 gallon batch. My 5.5 gallon kettle only safely boils 5 gallons so I need to top up after. That doesn’t seem to have any negative affects though.
My 10 gal BrewBuilt (MoreBeer brand) kettle just hangs over the glass portion of my induction cooktop. When I start my brewday I heat all the liquor on the cooktop and then split it into an HLT and the MLT. I was a little concerned with weight on that glass. Turns out that slight overhang means the weight is supported by the metal frame of the cooktop so all that weight isn’t sitting on the glass. Hasn’t been an issue at all to date (knock on wood).
Having one’s kettle rest on the stainless steel part of an induction stove definitely ups the weight limit. Even at full volume, a five-gallon batch can be handled by a quality 3500W stainless steel portable induction cooktop, that is, as long as the body of the induction cooktop is bearing the weight.
If you are not sure that the tiles will support the weight of the boiler, you can make a wooden stand. When I started brewing beer I did make a wood stand . A year later I made a stronger induction cooker.
such GitHub - SergeyAndriyanov/Induction_brewery: Automatic induction brewery project for home brewing.
sorry for my English.
Looks like you have a controller wired into your inductions cooker? I wondered if that was possible- looks nice.
Yes, housing from Indokor in5000 induction cooker, boards from Hansa panel, controller based on esp32.