Deschutes Pine Mountain Pilsner


Anyone try this yet? I picked one up Friday.  It was pretty darned tasty. They give enough info to give it a go, but leave quite a bit of guess work. I might have to give it a shot this fall.

I’m curious if any of you with German Pils experience have tried Pine Mountain and how close it actually comes to the real deal.

Haven’t seen that one on the shelf yet but I’ll keep my eye out for it

Haven’t seen it yet, but I’ll keep an eye out.  If they just told you the IBU you’d have a chance at brewing it.

I think I saw 40 on the website, but not on recipe page. When I give it a go it will probably be about 30 Sterling early and 10 HM late. Probably mash at 148º and pitch Wy2124 and run it at 50º

Sounds like a plan!