Doing a german lager with wlp800 (which produces a lot of diacetyl) and I want to dry hop. I bumped up the temp to the lower 60’s for the diacetyl rest. I’m curious to know if there would be any weird biotransformation going on if I add my dry hops?
What would happen if I left it at diacetyl rest temps for a week? I’m guessing that might stress out the yeast? This is the first time i’m dry hopping a lager - when I think it though it’s making less and less sense to do.
here is my recipe for those interested
BH efficiency: 68%
6 Gallon batch size
12lb Pilsner
.5oz Magnum (12%) at 60min
1oz Mittlefrueh (4.2%) 10min
1oz Saaz (3%) 10min
2oz Mittlefrueh Whirlpool
2oz Saaz Whirlpool
2oz Mittlefrueh/Saaz dry hop
wlp800 1l starter - added nutrient and pure o2 to fermentor
RO water with Dortmund water profile (beersmith)
7.82g Epsom
5.4g Baking Soda
2.8g Calcium Chloride
1.8g Gypsum
12.7g Epsom
8.8g Baking Soda
4.5g Calcium Chloride
3g Gypsum
I haven’t use the White Labs version, but I’ve done 4-5 day long D rests around 60F with dry hops using WY2001 and had no issues. Once fermentation is finishing up you generally aren’t going to cause problems by raising the temp on a lager.
I wish you better luck than I’ve had using HMf and Saaz in the whirlpool and dry hops. I’ve never gotten much character out of them as dry hops. This is one of the reasons I use Sterling almost exclusively in my lagers now.
Most yeast derived off flavors are created during the lag and initial active fermentation there isn’t a lot you can do fermentation related to to induce off flavors. Leaving at a diacetyl rest temp for a week+ should be no problem.