Caught my eye and just had to take a pic with the ol’phone. Look at the progression…
Except the librarian in me is freaking out because the Budweiser should be between the Tadcaster and the Bud Lite.
If you look real close you can see the yeast on the bottom of the SS and Maredsous scurrying to the other side of the bottle. ;D
Is that Pinkies?
Yeah this person has a sense of humor. I like the cut of their jibe. Budweiser ranks below the Ultra Lime but just above O’Douls. ;D
Geeze euge, at first glance at the subject line I thought you were having surgery… :o
Yes. On Wadley next to my precious HEB.
After I leave the wine rack I always hit that Pinkies’s and then on to HEB to bring back cheese and such for the house. That HEB used to have a magnificent beer and wine selection, now it’s a pale shadow of its former self.
I’d call that juxtaposition :)