I searched this forum and the web in general for a conglomeration of the effect of different malts, particularly various darker ones, on head colour and didn’t come up with enough.
Thought I would make this long-running thread for the purpose of archiving some observations after my most recent brew day.
Used Black Patent malt at 2% in a beer and saw that it ended up a really nice chestnut brown.
I’ve brewed and bottled a whole bunch of beer recently, and will put up some results in a few days.
I like the idea behind this post. I noticed in a few recent beers that I brewed using darker Candi Syrups (D90 and darker) that they all have a head that is a different shade of brown than what I usually see from roasted malts. It would be interesting to see comparisons of beers brewed to the same SRM but using different color malts to compare the heads.
thanks, in fact i brewed a dubbel with just LME, vienna and 1kg of D-90. it will be ready to test in a few days and will let you know the head colour, but body was a more brilliant red than i expected i guess.
re: same SRM and colour comparison - that is exactly what i’d like to see. my perception is that roasted barley without crystal malt produces a pale head but very dark body, while chocolate produces a similar colour but brownish head. again i’ll try to confirm it once i see what comes out.