If I want cleaning solution to go up into the dip tube in a closed keg, can I just attach a liquid disconnect to force fluid up the tube? Or can I just attach it briefly then take it off?
Yes you can do either. I usually pressurize the keg and put the QDC on to squirt sanitizer up through the tube for a second and take it off. That’s really all you need.
TIL just how far liquid can shoot out of the liquid disconnect! Holy mackerel…pressured the keg to about 10 (didn’t intend to go that high) and pushed it down and it shot across the garage.
I keep a spare set of disconnects with my cleaning supplies. When I am cleaning, if I am not removing the posts, I attach the disconnects and make sure I run pbw out each post/disconnect. I also have tubing with a hose fitting and a flare that I can attach to the disconnect to flush with clean water.
I remember when I first started kegging having issues with the poppets in some of my kegs. So, I just took them out. Wasn’t too much later that I failed to hook up the taps in the correct order. Can you say beer geyser? It nearly hit the ceiling.