DIPA Review by Professional Brewer - Bell's Hopslam

From beerpulse, John Mallet of Bells (Director of Brewing Operations) on Hopslam.

"I’m going to have a beer that we make 4,000 barrels of, one time a year. It flies off the shelf at damn near $20 a six-pack, and you know what it smells like? It smells like your cat ate your weed and then pissed in the Christmas tree.”

My wife really liked that one. :slight_smile:

That is funny!  I did have Hopslam on tap for the first time about a week ago and it was some awesome cat pee.  Last year when it was $18 a 6-pack, I swore never again - I’ll just try to make it.

Haha, nice description; eloquently put.

Haha, hilarious! Descriptors fit for any BJCP scoresheet, right?

Sounds about right.

And yet, somehow this makes me say “I really want to drink this beer”. I guess “cat pee” is a relative term lol.

+1  I seem to really like the hops that others describe as cat pee-like.

A wine-drinking friend of mine uses the cat-pee term to describe sour beers. Definitely relative!

I’m totally getting some Hopslam this year - Monday evening Flying Saucer has a firkin of it. I gotta try to get me some of that!

“He’s cheesing out of his effing mind right now”

Not my favorite, but not a beer I’d turn down either.  Pretty apt description too.

I love Hopslam!

I have yet to get the “cat pee” from any beer, homebrew or commercial, including hopslam.  Maybe I’m not that sensitive to that particular odor.

The only time I ever got a true cat piss scent was a beer secondaried with Orval dregs (at about 75) when it was really young.  It faded away, though.

I get it if it is really strong. My wife gets it when all I get is pine.

Didn’t get that from HopSlam last year… will try it tomorrow though and keep my nose open for it.

I do get it from Avery Maharaja… simcoe i guess.

Hopslam is kind of a midwest craft beer tradition.

It shows up, you pony up the dough for a six pack, you order it when its on tap at your local. It disappears.

Is it worth $18/six? Once a year, why not?