Do I need a starter?

I just bought all the ingredients for my first AG brew (woo hoo) ;D  I opted for an oatmeal stout with an OG of 1.052 and with Wyeast 1084. Do I need a starter? While I have your attention, the guy at my LHBS said if I wanted the beer dry then mash at 148. If I wanted it sweeter, mash at 151. Does this sound accurate? Thanks again!

Disregard the first part of that, Mr. Malty answered it for me. :slight_smile:

Mash temp advice is solid.  I’d say if you go for 148, mash for 90 min. to ensure complete conversion.

I’m leaning toward 151. I tend to like mine a little sweeter. Is a 60 min. mash long enough?

It’ll still be sweet.
