Do Paradox sour beers have viable dregs?

I have checked over at the Mad fermentationist with no luck on this topic.  A buddy brought me back a Paradox Brett’s Hop Farm and Skully Barrel #16 last fall from Colorado.  I wanted to pitch them into a flanders red I am planning on brewing up and was wondering if anyone knew (or had experience with) if these beers have viable dregs (brett/bacteria)  in them?

I have emailed the brewery with no response…

Try growing up a small starter. If there’s anything there it should grow. It will certainly help the health of any culture that’s in there, anyways.

Yeah, I guess that is what I am relegated to do.  If I choose that route, I will let you know the results (if any).

Too bad you haven’t received a response.

Make sure to let Mike Tonsmeire know as well so he can update the list on his website

Yeah, I have always used that as a first resort to determining if a brewery has viable dregs.

Late to the party on this one, but I was researching this topic. I created a starter with Paradox dregs. I let it sit for several weeks and it had a small pelicle form. Seemed to work for me. Working on a second one tonight.