I got 39 - I feel like such a failure. :(
I got 39 - I feel like such a failure. :(
I got 49, but it’s my own fault - I was clicking through too quickly and missed Texas. :-\
Here’s a fun trivia question: What are the four state capitals not served by an interstate highway?
Edit: Speeling…
44. Also feel like I’ve failed. It’s been too long since I… cared about geography?
I googled it so I won’t answer but they said there were 5, not 4.
Ooh, right you are. I looked it up on an atlas during a long road trip several years ago, and I guess we either missed one then, or I’ve forgotten since.
Juneau, Honolulu…
49, guess I really have been successful in wiping New Jersey completely from my mind.
Jefferson City, Mo has no interstate
That’s two of five so far. (Honolulu is served by H1.)
For me that’s success, I never learned them in school. I’m pretty sure it’s because we moved from NY to NJ between 7th and 8th grade. The NJ school district taught them in 7th grade (that’s when my brother learned them), I assume the NY school district taught them in 8th grade.
At least you learned enough to move from NJ/ NY to the PNW. Oops- I mean, why would you move to a place where it rains constantly?
I got 38, which isn’t bad given that I’m British (although I have had heavy exposure to the US).
On the interstates, I’m pretty sure that Carson City isn’t on one.
Which state capital has the highest elevation?
Yes, it rains here constantly, don’t move here please ;D
Santa Fe, NM? I remember it being over 7000 Ft.
Honolulu has three - H1, H2, H3. If they ever decide to build a fourth, I wonder what it would be named…?
You never know, with the heavy Asian influence they might go straight to H5
(The number four is unlucky in several Asian cultures because it sounds nearly the same as the word for death)
25/50 which isn’t too bad for a Canadian.
punatic: a10t2:That’s two of five so far. (Honolulu is served by H1.)
Honolulu has three - H1, H2, H3. If they ever decide to build a fourth, I wonder what it would be named…?
You never know, with the heavy Asian influence they might go straight to H5
(The number four is unlucky in several Asian cultures because it sounds nearly the same as the word for death)
Hey, that makes sense. They named the H3 - H1 interconnector H201. I always figured that was just a clever way of saying “To H1.”
I got 42. I thought I had an edge working for an airline but I clicked on a couple major cities we serve
as opposed to the capital.
How can Hawaii have interstate highways? Aren’t then Intra-state highways? :-\