Doctoring an insipid cream ale

I wanted to experiment with an all-extract cream ale… My process is good, so it’s clean, but it’s insipid. (Pilsner LME + rice solids + Saaz + Safale05)  I recently did a partial-mash cream ale and I can really taste the difference.

It’s been in primary for two weeks. I can keg it this weekend or next, or I could doctor it a bit. That could include adding fruit peel or puree. It’s stone fruit season in California, and we’re into strawberry season as well, so I could puree and pasteurize some tasty fruit pretty easily–I made a strawberry sorbet last week that really popped. I’m open to fruit flavors – I’ve enjoyed Grapefruit Sculpin and (less so) Pineapple Sculpin, and I like Magic Hat Number 9. But I also don’t want something I end up spitting out, as I did when I had Anchor’s Mango Wheat, where the flavor felt forced.

With my next batch I’m going back to all-grain, but I don’t think I want to blend.


How about dry hopping it?

slaps forehead That’s so obvious and yet, my brain never went there. Thanks Denny.

You were trying hard to make it more difficult, so I went pragmatic…:wink:

If it’s insipid, a touch of lactic acid to drop the final pH may be all it needs. To me, insipid just means “needs acid”.

I was thinking along the lines of this as well. Say goodbye to flab with a bit of acid!

Thanks, I’ll keep this in mind!