I wanted to experiment with an all-extract cream ale… My process is good, so it’s clean, but it’s insipid. (Pilsner LME + rice solids + Saaz + Safale05) I recently did a partial-mash cream ale and I can really taste the difference.
It’s been in primary for two weeks. I can keg it this weekend or next, or I could doctor it a bit. That could include adding fruit peel or puree. It’s stone fruit season in California, and we’re into strawberry season as well, so I could puree and pasteurize some tasty fruit pretty easily–I made a strawberry sorbet last week that really popped. I’m open to fruit flavors – I’ve enjoyed Grapefruit Sculpin and (less so) Pineapple Sculpin, and I like Magic Hat Number 9. But I also don’t want something I end up spitting out, as I did when I had Anchor’s Mango Wheat, where the flavor felt forced.
With my next batch I’m going back to all-grain, but I don’t think I want to blend.