Does anyone beside my friend like stale beer?

My friend that taught me how to brew drinks any kind of beer from pilsners to stouts, fresh or stale.

He will deliberately keep a bottle or two of each batch of home brew that that either he or I have made  in his refrigerator for years and occasionally pull one out for us to split.  And all these are beers with ABVs of 4% to 6% that you would not expect to be aged for a long time.

Two weeks ago, he pulled out a brown ale I brewed two years ago.  Yes, it was stale but not horrible.  But he did share one with me once that was 10 years old. ABSOLUTELY AWFUL.

Comments please and thanks.

Life’s too short to drink bad beer.


He’s an old man of 78 years. If I have to drink half a bottle of bad beer to maintain A good friendship, I can suck it up once in a while.  He gives me good beer too.

He’s lucky he likes stale beer. There’s a lot of it out there and its often on sale.