I already used some in the boil, but seem to have alot of foam in the fermenter when i went to oxygenate. Is it ok to add more in the fermenter?
OK? yes.
but you might not need it. how much headspace/what are you making?
Hefeweizen, 12 Gallons in a 15 Gal wine carboy. OG 1.045.
You can, but hefe yeast has a mind of its own. Fermcap may help, but 20% headspace may still be cutting it a bit close even with the Fermcap. I’d have a blowoff tube rigged up just to be on the safe side.
Even with fermcap, I’ve never been able to keep 3068 in the carboy.
+1 Me either.
On 3068 - I use 8 gallon fermenter buckets now for 5.5 gallons (usually) and the last time I used 3068, I had krausen foam evenly across the bottom of the bucket lid, and that’s with 2.5 gallons of headspace. Pretty vigorous stuff.
Well i added a little more fermcap but didnt seem to help. Took erockrph’s advice and rigged up a blowoff. good thing that 3068 is rolling even at ~62*F
I had the same issue with wyeast 3787, I bought some Fermcap in hopes of keeping it in the fermenter, but no luck.
I had the same issue with wyeast 3787, I bought some Fermcap in hopes of keeping it in the fermenter, but no luck.
Yeah that stuff’s crazy active, too. I think I fermented it @~ 64F last time and it seemed every bit as active as 67 or 68F. Good stuff though.