DP of recipe... and how to calculate it

Hi every one… :slight_smile:

I have a question regarding  the conversion factor for this recipe… :DP power of the grains

5.5 gallon batch @ 1.55qts mash in/ 153F/ 60 min mash length and 60 min boil

recipe: oatmeal stout

4.5 lbs  Marris Otter Uk
2.5 lbs  Briess Vienna Light
0.5 lb  Belgian caraviene 20
0.5lb    Oats toasted
0.5lbs    Flaked barley
.75lbs    Pale chocolate malt Uk
.5 lbs    Briess Roasted Barley

and can you explain how to do the formula… in easy way…LOL Not in korean  ok…LOL

pretty sure you can just average the DP of the grains you are using.

Do you know the DP of each malt?

the caravienne, toasted oats, flaked barley, chocolate, and roasted are all 0

so a total of 2.75 lb of 0

let’s say MO = x and Vienna = y

(2.750)+(4.5x)+(2.5*y) = (4.5x + 2.5y)/9.75 = total DP. if it’s over 40 you are golden. if it’s close it’s probably fine, just might want to mash longer.

Thanks both of you as always! :slight_smile:

so 70 min mash??  sufficient … I know 90 mins is suggested for this reason …

4.5 lbs  Marris Otter Uk      DP 120
2.5 lbs  Briess Vienna Light  DP 80
0.5 lb  Belgian caraviene 20 
0.5lb    Oats toasted
0.5lbs    Flaked barley
.75lbs    Pale chocolate malt Uk
.5 lbs    Briess Roasted Barley

your overall DP is ~75 if those numbers are accurate.  You’d be fine with an hour mash with that.

Thanks  I got 75 as well…

I did the math formula and now I get it…  :slight_smile:

Thanks so much again…  and happy Holiday next week  to you both and very one on here :slight_smile:

You better find a spec sheet for your Maris Otter. I’ve always read that it was pretty low (<~75°L) and has enough to convert only a little more. Crisp Maris Otter, for instance, says that it’s “minimum 50°L”.

after thinking I was good . I researched some more…and your right…

I used BAIRDS Marris Otter Malt Pale… Not crisp…

I looked the Bairds web site but too me that info is confusing so Im lost again…LOL…
i think they say its 45L… that means im in the 41. soemthing range… maybe 42%…  :o

Oh and I called the brew shop . They reconfirmed that Its Bairds Marris Otter malt  “the regular stuff” as they said over the phone…

so i found this on Brew craft USA web site:

Maris Otter is a British barley malt variety known for producing beers with a full malty flavor.

Moisture % Max.

Color °L

Protein Total Max.

Extract CG Dry Min.

Usage Rate %
to 100