DR for pils while I'm away

It just started fermenting, but in 4 days i am going on vacation for 2 weeks. since i cant be here to do a D-rest, what should I set my temp at? I started at 48 and was gonna bring up to 50 tonight. Can I still do a DR after 2 weeks? Dang, I wish there was a temperature controller app for smart phone.
Oh yeah, it’s Wyeast 2278.

Set to 50F and do your D-rest when you get home.

As long as you oxygenated, pitched plenty of healty yeast, and keep it at 50F there should be no need for a D-rest.  I never do D-rests on my lagers.  I pitch at 46-48F.  Let it free rise to 50-52F, depending on my mood.  Then let it ferment at that temp for 3-4 weeks.  I am crazy sensitive to diacetyl, so I would know if it is in there.  That being said, I have never used 2278.  At 2 weeks into a lager fermentation, you would still be ok to do a D-rest when you get home.

I do not like 2278 but that is another subject.
Day of your leave on vacation raise the temp to 55F.
When you get back it will be all done fermenting.
When you get back (check your gravity) raise it to 60F and there is your D-rest.
Enjoy your vacation.

Here’s one! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brewbit/brewbit-model-t-wireless-temperature-controller/description

Thanks all for the advice
Seems fermentation is off to a slow start. I made a
3L starter, decanted and it sat for a week. Is this normal for it to take like 36 hours to kick off? Is the yeast waking up or should I pitch another smack pack? Or should I just RDWHAHB?

In the homebrew setup it is quite normal not to see visible signs of fermentation for 48 when starting fermenting at 48F.
If you do not see or smell anything at the third day I would start worry.
Currently I do have active fermantation next day.