Drip pan for propane burner?

Do any of you use a drip pan or heat-resistant mat under your propane burner (like the Bayou SP10)? If so can you recommend one? I was looking at this:



Where do you brew? I brew on our brick patio and just hose it down when I’m done.

But what are you hosing out from under the burner? We talkin’ about boilovers?

This is our landlord’s property… not mine to stain or mess up. Boilovers, incidental “stuff”–I realize this is more likely with grilling (I also have a mat under our grill), but just thought it might be nice to keep it clean.

It’s a non-issue with a big enough pot.  Besides, the wort is sugar based–washes right off.  The burner is high enough that it doesn’t “bake” or “carbonize” the spills like a stove-top unit does.
I set my burner and 20 gallon kettle on my patio table (of course, it is sturdy–it’s made of steel and tile, not vinyl or plastic)–it makes transfers into the fermenter a breeze after IC/whirlpooling.

If you’re still worried, just put aluminum foil around a section of cardboard and set it underneath your burner and kettle.  Your drip pan would be better used as a large sanitized area to put spoons and thermometers down on during a brew day or bottling day.

Mostly drips from the QDs and valves even after they have been closed.
Or other mishaps.

Thanks… you’re giving me good ideas!

If you’re worried about it, a simple flattened cardboard box underneath should catch all but a major disaster.