Dropped Aeration wand into fermentor.

When aerating my wort of an Irish Stout, the wand blew off the end of the O2 line dropping to the bottom of my Catalyst fermenter. The fact that I could not see it or that I would not be able to close the bottom valve later had me wondering what to do. I did the unthinkable. Soaked my arm in Star San and retrieved it. What are the possible problems I might encounter and what should I expect?
Thanks for any info.

It’ll probably be just fine. A good pitch of healthy yeast should outcompete anything that you may have introduced to the wort.

I have to admit I have done this (soaked my arm in Starsan and fished something from the wort). In my case, all came out fine.  There is definitely a risk of infection.

No problem in my experience

I’ve done the ‘arm soak retrieve’ myself. Turned out fine.

Using a stainless wand or other material? If used stainless wand that was cleaned and sanitized, I would not worry about it.

Come up with a cleaver name for the brew. “Magic Wand Stout”. When friends drink the stout and ask about the name you then have a funny story to tell.