A recently brewed Stone Double Bastard is missing some of the Chinook goodness that comes in the bottle.
The 5.5 gallon batch has 5.5 oz. of Chinook (12.7 AA) - 3.5 oz. at 90 minutes, 1.5 at 15, and .5 at flameout (about 180F). It is plenty hoppy but that distinctive Chinook aroma and flavor is absent. OG and FG is 1.104 and 1.024.
With that said, I am considering dry hopping.
How much of the 12.7 AA Chinook will I need to get noticeable flavor and aroma out of the keg?
Double Bastard is not an AIPA or IIPA technically (as it is an American Strong Ale), but it is listed @ 100 IBU. And having had it recently out of a pretty fresh keg, it definitely comes across as pretty hoppy, both in flavor and aroma. So in a beer of this OG (1.104) I definitely don’t think 5 or 6 oz of dry hops would be at all out of place.
Well taste is subjective. Malty is the first word that comes into my mind, balanced would be next. The op said it was pretty hoppy already and asked how much to add to get a taste of that Chinook goodness. They are very secretive about the bastard beers, I don’t believe arrogant is dry hopped though. I would disagree that 5 ounces of dryhops would be anywhere near what Stone is going for in this beer. As was already suggested, the late additions are where some serious hop increases should be made. Add 5 ounces to flameout, that I would agree with.
I guess without the benefit of trying his beer, I took the OP to mean that the beer had good bitterness but lacked Chinook flavor and aroma. I will say that the times I tried the Stone beer in bottles I found it pretty balanced and excellent overall, but was blown away by how much hoppier I felt that it was in the fresh keg. So I had the latter in mind when I recommended the dry hops.
You know I have had the oaked db the last few times. It seems now that a friend said that recently but I can’t recall who. Maybe its that 2013 Chinook. I will get some on tap next time I’m out.