Dry Hopping

Denny Conn had mentioned recently,  in an online post by Craft Beer and Brewing, about a new method he discovered for dry hopping for just a short time. I lost track of the details but think it was for just a few days at lager temps. Does anyone have info on this? It sounded like a great idea.

I have switched from warm to cold dry hopping and it works really good. Usually 2 days 34-39F. BSG has good information on their website:https://bsgcraftbrewing.com/reevaluating-dry-hop-techniques My usual method is in primary fermentation after cold crashing and let the hops hang in a nylon sanitized bag.

Yep, that’s it!

Thanks guys!

I got the information from your podcast. Also got information SNS starters on your podcast and AHA forum. Cold dry hopping and SNS starters have really helped my brewing a lot! Thanks!

Hearing that kind of stuff makes all the effort worth it!