I’ve had good results both ways but am leaning towards pulling them after a week at room temperature.
- Pull them
- Leave them
- Drink it too fast to worry
I’ve had good results both ways but am leaning towards pulling them after a week at room temperature.
I just leave them and have always had good results.
I usually leave them but sometimes tie them up in a bag and fasten them to various positions to the pick up tube with a tie-wrap. They are self removing that way
I always dry hop at room temp with great results and beers I’ve pulled them from seem to be better, longer.
Then again maybe their only better longer because they are gone quicker ;D
Mine don’t last much longer than 2-3 weeks, so that could be a part of it.
put them in a hop bag and use dental floss [un flavored!!!] to hang them from the keg lid. this way a. they won’t get stuck in the dip tube, and b. they automagically get taken out as the beer level drops.
Teflon tape works great too
A keg lasts me 2 months on average and the hops stay in the whole time.
+1 For C hops, I usually pull Hallertau or other nobles after a couple of weeks though. I’ve noticed they have a tendancy to get grassy after a while for some reason.
Depends on the beer. Generally I leave them in the keg especially for American APA/IPA.
I started pulling mine after 10 days to 2 weeks. When I left 'em, I started getting some grassyness over time…
Maybe I can’t taste grassiness, or maybe I have a different definition of it than other people, but the only times I’ve ever noticed it was dry hopping with hops like Fuggle, EKG, or Saaz. Since I almost always dry hop with American hops, I’ve never really found it in my beers.
This is what I do too.