Dumb Question ?

How come it is the “Money you could save with GEICO”

When you really KNOW that it is …

The GEICO you could save with Money !


Sheesh…I told ya so!

That company has a super aggressive ad campaign.

I swear I’ve heard enough Geico ads to last me for the rest of my life.

…and I did get a quote from them a while back and they were almost double what I’m paying now.  :o

Go figure.  :-\

I just saved -100% on my car insurance!!!

Car insurance, now there is a racket mandated by Govmt.  I tried to check into becoming
Self insured…like surety bonding…man…it ain’t easy being in a free country…

Talking Geckos ain’t cheap! :slight_smile:

Imagine the amount of training it takes to get those little guys to stand there and convince me to switch over.
Crysal Green Persuasion.  ;)  ;D

Hey now! If you and others keep that up, You’ll run Ms. Weaze out of a job, forcing Mr. Weaze to get a real job!!! We can’t have none of that now.  ;D

The Progressive Ads are way worse than the Geico ads - especially on the radio.

Oh come on, you know you think Flo is hot.

The TV ads don’t bother me so much - its the radio ads. but, yeah, she’s cute enough for me.  :wink:

I gotta say I love the gecko picking up the tab at the restaurant. The conversation over where he keeps the wallet and
cell phone, Priceless…(<–shameless plug)

Well maybe we should chug on over to mamby-pamby land and see if we can find Flo some self confidence - Jackwagon!

Chug on over to see Flo here:

Don’t forget the whole rhetorical question program.  Can woodchucks sell insurance?
They must spend a ton on advertising to have three separate campaigns on at the same time.

After all, It IS the GEICO you could save with  money…lol