Dunkel Lager Temp

So I have a quick question about Dunkel lager temp.  I and a friend recently brewed a dunkel (thanks for all of the help and feedback on the recipe by the way!) and we fermented at a solid 52 and then raised for a D rest at 63-64 for 4 days.

We racked into our layering vessels.  My question is, what temperature should we be lagering? I was under the assumption that it should be lagered around high 30s, getting there by dropping 5 degrees per day or so.  Some information indicates to lager at 50 degrees, which from all that I have read and gathered is a little warm.  Can anyone help with some clarification?

I am lagering in a carboy.



I prefer to lager around 35F.  If the fermentation is complete there’s no need to drop the temp gradually.  You can just crash it.

The one I just did was fermented at 49 -50F.  D-rest was 65F. I am now lagering at -1C, but I had success at 35F or a little lower.  Lagering at 50F is something that one would do without proper equipment, or good knowledge of the process.

Denny is correct, if the D rest worhed, crash it.

As close to freezing as possible! (35 degrees??? Pish!! :stuck_out_tongue: )

Thanks Jeff and Denny for clearing that up.  Cheers! 8)

Around here, temp control is “in the ballpark” an d I call that good enough!

I was just harassing you.  35 is fine, obviously.

My lager chest is at 34f.  ;D