East coast must have beers (CT, specifically)

Hi All!

I’m heading to CT in December for a wedding. I’ve looked and looked and looked and am having a hard time finding much of anything out here. I know there’s probably plenty of gems which are unknown to the common traveler. The bachelorette party is at City Steam.

This is a 2 part question: Are there any beer bars/stores/breweries that I should make it a point to hit?
Also, being from the west coast, there’s a lot of beer that isn’t distributed out here. I know, for example, that we can’t get yuengling or founders (both of which I plan to try.) What beers/breweries make your ‘must have’ list (from the east coast) and what should I look out for?

I should add: it’s unlikely that I’ll have a car but would pay a somewhat decent cab fare, in consideration of what may be out there.
I’m staying downtown.

Thanks in advance!

You’re staying in downtown Hartford? I’m infering from City Steam. Rent a car, Hartford is a dead zone. Better yet, tell your friends to move the party to New Haven.

Check out ctbeertrail you can find some of what your looking for. Without a car you are kind of stuck.
Willamantic brew pub is good. Yuengling is out I dont think they have a rep go past NY. Most of Ct breweries are on the borders of the state so you would pay alot in cab fair to check them out. Wed nights Calavary brewerie has tastings $5.bring glass. Friday night Hooker brewerie has tastings entry fee goes to charity.

Founders is distributed to Conneticut. I must say that they are not an East Coast brewery. More the North Coast, if you know what I mean.

The “it” brewery in CT these days is New England Brewing Co.  Their year round beers are average (Sea Hag probably being the best) but they have a set of beers that sort of come and go regularly.  668, Ghandi Bot, and Imperial Stout Trooper all are worth seeking out.  Then they have some one-offs which are almost always good, the most recent being Coriolis IIPA.  Watch their facebook page for what’s new.

City Steam’s beers range from awful to awesome.  The place is a lot of fun.  They do tend to run out of their better beers quickly so if you want to try something they have, go for it.

A cab ride can get you to Old Burnside in East Hartford.  I’ve never been there.

At the rate new breweries are opening up, you may have a chance at another one or two within cab distance by december!  :stuck_out_tongue:

Outside of CT (but available in CT) must have beers… a short list:
Ithaca Flower Power (if you like hops)
Weyerbacher Riserva (if you like sour)
Captain Lawrence anything but especially Xtra Gold

Willimantic Brewing is the place. They enjoy the west coast hophead mentality. Not too easy to access but check out their “awards”- willibrew.com, the place was neat (an old post office) and the food was good also.
I’ll second flower power, by far my favorite ipa east of Colorado that I’ve found. I also enjoyed Founders beers.

Willimantic is great, but without a car, you just can’t get there.