I just learned of this yeast at this years NHC. It is a fairly new, lesser known yeast, but has some wonderful flavors. I sampled some Saisons made from it at NHC. I was very exited to try some strains out over the summer, but it appears the sole distributor back east just halted shipments and will not ship all summer long due to concerns over high temperatures during shipment. While I can understand this, it is still ironic that the yeast will be unavailable to be shipped for summer brewing, when the style is perfect for brewing in hot summer months due to the high fermentation temp tolerances of Saison yeasts.
Any chance anyone out west has some of this yeast available for an anxious to try it brewer? I’m particularly interested in the ECY-03 and ECY-08 strains.
The manufacturer is pretty much just one guy selling through his LHBS. He’s been giving out sour blends to people on babblebelt.com for a while, but I think the demand got to be so large that he realized he had a market
I may have to go out of my way to stop by Princeton homebrew the next time I drive up 95.
So seeing as the Saison strains appear to be effectively unavailable to anyone not in the NY/NJ/PA area, does anyone have a recent Saison they brewed with ECY-03/ECY-08 that could be cultured they’d be willing to ship to the Seattle area? I’d cover shipping and return a bottle of any Saison I could get successfully brewed with the culture.
Just thought I’d post an update. As the weather has cooled, the East Coast Yeasts are shipping in limited quantities as available. So anyone interested should contact Princeton Home Brew to check out their stock.
I got the ECY-08 and ECY-03 strains mailed to me up in Seattle. I split the ECY-08 into (2) starters and pitched the first one into a batch of Pumpkin Saison last night. Can’t wait to see how it ferments out and tastes. It was a long couple of months waiting for this to become available to ship.
Al’s a great guy and I’ve used Old Newark and Belgian White. Excellent yeast. He sells though Princeton Homebrew. I think they might be shipping it again now that the weather is getting cooler.
Roger that! I visited Princeton Homebrew this past weekend and in the course of our conversation Joe confirmed that there has been a lot of interest in the product, and that they will indeed be shipping now that the weather will be posing less risk.
It goes fast at the shop.
A couple of times I went in to buy some and Joe said somebody came in yesterday and bought it all.
Not all the yeast just all of the type I wanted.